Saturday, April
03, 2004 8:54 AM 41 Deg at LVIA and 43.5 in the bus stop
I am later getting started this morning. My blood glucose was 143 and
the weight 204.It still isn’t a gorgeous sunny day, but at least
it isn’t snowing. Ha!!
This morning Queen and I shall be going downtown. I suspect the
Ironworks will be on the schedule as well as paying some bills.
I got this e-mail from Bob Green. Apparently my misgivings about
putting last weeks” Amber Alert” was well justified.
Therefore, I shall try to be more diligent.
“Not to fret. We all get taken. And this one was a good one,
albeit has been around since 2001...
Check out the details on this
site: “Bob”
We had lunch and do you know, I am actually beginning to like my
lunchtime cup of tea. Of course, I brew it with five cinnamon sticks in
it and do not use that God-awful green tea! That stuff is an
abomination. The stuff tastes like Pee from a cat with bad kidneys.
Queen says how do you know that. My reply, I have an excellent
I am still in the process of sorting out the process of putting this on
line. Once again, I screwed up. I had to have my Delaware
“experts” put it on line. At least now I know what is
causing it, even if I haven’t fixed it yet. Sheez!! Oh
well. As son George says, don’t get bent out of shape over it.
I call this the pretzel machine. It gives ones back quite a workout.
Sunday, April 04, 2004 7:38 AM 41 deg at
LVIA and 44.2 in the bus stop.
It s rather
chilly this morning with fog with snow showers predicted along with
high winds today. Phooey!!
I shall be
heading out soon to check it out. It was rather dull and foggy outside.
Somehow, it seems like the middle of the night with daylight savings
Queen is washing her
hair and taking her shower now. She wants to pick up a prescription
sometime today.
This morning the
blood glucose was 119, which I don’t believe due to low blood
sample, and the weight is 205. One thing I have noticed that my blood
glucose readings have been constantly higher than when I first started
writing these letters. Then I remembered that the blood is perhaps 10
points higher since I started putting the information inside these
letters. As I recall the glucose monitor had a nasty fall some time
ago. I suspect that may account for the discrepancies. Hey,
it is advertised as having an accuracy of no better than plus or minus
20%. No wonder the doctor won’t take it as a guide when he
prescribes a course of action!
Now this is
priceless. I got this from Barbara Shepherd who has been able now to
properly see all the past issues of this journal that are still on
line. Not all are still available by any means. I have had to remove
some due to space limitations. I wish Prolog would offer the option of
more space without having to open a commercial account.
I though many readers of our vintage would enjoy this.
Supper is over. We had
a slice of a Smithfield ham we got last week. A small yam each, the
rest of the asparagus, green beans, low fat cottage cheese, and a dash
of leftover applesauce. Then we had fresh coffee and I had a last bite
of her “Klondike” type ice cream bar for dessert. It was
excellent I don’t care how much weight I may lose, inside me
resides a fat man. Geez!!!
Last evening our tax prepairer called to inform me that the taxes were
ready. Queen and I drove out to her place. It was a windy, cold, night.
It must have been practically full moon so it was a beautiful evening.
There was already a dusting of snow on her lawn furniture, as well as
their cars. On the way home it was flurrying quite hard.
How to tell the sex of a fly.
A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around
with a fly swatter.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Hunting Flies" He responded.
"Oh. Killing any?" She asked.
"Yep, 3 males, 2 Females," he replied.
Intrigued, she asked. "How can you tell?"
He responded, "3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone."
And you probably thought this would be dirty... shame on YOU
Wednesday, April 07, 2004 7:30 AM 43 deg at
LVIA and 40.2 in the bus stop
Well, this morning
the weight was 201 and the blood sugar 139. I was out with the dog and
while it is still cloudy, it is quite a bit warmer with patches of blue
sky seen about the sky. I am not sure if Queen will go with me to the
Ironworks this morning . She has not arrived downstairs yet. Yep, she
will go with me. Of course, she has the problem most women have,
setting her hair. Geez, I am lucky in that regard.
We both went to the
“works” this morning. It was a decent workout although
neither of us killed ourselves at it. Then we stopped in at the T.N
office but only to say “hello”. Then it was up to Radio
Shack to look for a mounting bracket for my antenna that must be moved
soon. They didn’t have any such thing. Well, I shall have to
improvise. I will look at my old standby Shea’s hardware store. I
just found out from son George, that I do not need one. Just take down
the antenna and reverse the brackets already there. Geez!!
After lunch Queen was outside cleaning up recycled dog food as
well as cleaning up a lot of refuse all over the yard. She said Doc
Nicholson was walking by and asked where I was? She told him probably
in bed. She was right. After my nap, I applied the lime we got
yesterday with the spreader.