Here is Prolog’s food
Here is tent city.
By tomorrow this park will be a very busy place with it all starting about 5 PM.
Tonight for supper we had a pair of boneless salmon steaks, a ½ a baked
potato, an ear of Mike’s corn on the cob, mixed veggies, fresh
tomatoes, cottage cheese, and I had a slice of cantaloupe with a dollop
of ice cream in it. A cup of coffee finished it off. It was excellent.
However there was no swimming today. <Sigh>
Friday, September 10, 20047:24 AM 59 deg at LVIA and 61.3 in the bus stop
It is a bright clear morning with
sunny skies and cool temperatures. It looks like a very good start for
their Palmerton Community Festival starting this evening. This morning
the blood glucose is 132 and the weight 194.
We went for our full walk this
morning. It felt good walking with Queen. She said she had a better
night and seems to thing things are getting better. I an glad to hear
We both had to laugh as we approached
the corner at 3rd Street and Columbia Avenue. A young boy was running
up the hill. As he was about 15 feet from the top he called for us to
wait. Were we going to cross the street at that crossing? We replied
"Yes". So he scurried out into the middle of the street and held
traffic for us. We thanked him and told him that he was doing a fine
job. There is one young man who takes that job seriously. Many of them
don’t. I don’t know him but I suspect he has a good attitude for this
life. He should do well.
I want to go downtown soon but then I
want to get this web page out early today. After I got home I cut the
grass but not before reversing the blade on the mower. I suspect a new
one is needed. As usual it was cut a while and rest awhile. In fact
last week Queen told me that neighbor Al Long asked her if I was all
right. She explained it was my loaf and work method of doing it. That
was nice of him to ask.
Queen is cleaning up around the
outside of the house. She is taking off dead flowers and other debris
about the place. She trimmed all the boxes down at street level as
well. As usual she saw a lot of people passing by. Shirley, Gail and
her dog stopped by and chatted with her. In the mean time Butternut
took great and loud exception to Queen petting Gail’s dog. They bet I
was lamenting the lack of swimming. They were correct.
Neighbor Mike cut and trimmed his lawn
as well. They he cut down the Chinese chestnut tree growing in front of
our garage along with a bunch of our weeds. I think he was shamming me
into doing something about it. He beat me to it. Ha!!
I saw this sign at the festival set up yesterday. It makes quite a statement.
The poor "Froggies" !! A sign of the times!!
A bit of
research on Google quickly told me that my memory has not failed me.
Mark Twain held the French in considerable disdain so the above is
nothing new!! Ha!!
In certain public indecencies the difference between a dog & a Frenchman is not perceptible. October 1878 - February 1879
French are the connecting link between man & the monkey. Feb.- Sept. 1879
M. de Lamester's new French dictionary just issued in Paris defines virtue as: "A woman who has only one lover and don't steal."
- quoted in A Bibliography of Mark Twain, Merle Johnson
France has usually been governed by prostitutes. Feb.- Sept. 1879
Please love one another. Mom and Bob [Queen and Bobby]