Special Edition

January 22, 2005

Updated: February 17, 2005

This is a special edition of the Palmerton Press dedicated to the memory of our beloved Editor-in-Chief, Bob Elliston, who passed away unexpectedly on January 3, 2005. Contained here are some remembrances and some of the condolences and notes from faithful readers. There has been no attempt to put these in any order or do any editing to them. We have decided to let the readers express themselves exactly as they were delivered to us.

The Elliston family wishes to thank all of our readers for their outpouring of thoughts, phone calls, notes and support on the death of Bob. They have been a source of great comfort to us in this time of our loss. No one can replace him, but life must go on.

NEW : Here is a Times-News article about the Web paper: The Origin of the Palmerton Press

Here are some words from Son-in-law, Fritz:  SOME WORDS

Here are some thoughts from Grandson, Jason:  MY GRANDFATHER

Here are the notes, E Mail, and condolences from readers: NOTES

Updated: Here are some of Bob's Favorite Sayings: "BOBBY-ISMS"

Here are several favorite stories as related by son, George: STORIES

Here are two articles which appeared in The Times-News on January 8, 2004:

Article by BOB URBAN


As always, we end this issue as all other issues: "Love one another, Queen and Bobby "

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